The Party


The Bride Tribe

Rachael Fitzpatrick

Rachael Fitzpatrick

Maid of Honor

Rachael and I met at PSU, got closer when our 21st birthday’s rolled around, and became bffs when she moved to Baltimore post-college. If it came down to it, Rachy is the one that would be at my door within 2 hours of any ’emergency’ I was having, big or small. You can find us texting 24/7 – Pat always asks “how do you still have things to talk about?!” – and always trying to find a free weekend or sneaky weeknight to reunite.

Erin Heritage

Erin Heritage

Matron of Honor

Growing up, I spent my summers at LBI where Erin and I met in our young Haven Beach Club sailing days. After meeting, it took 0 time for us to become attached at the hip. Erin was my first “roommate” and I mean roommate in that every summer we basically lived together in the tiny room with a trundle at my grandparents beach house. Every night was a sleepover and every day we sat on the beach and did nothing. Our friends affectionally dubbed us with a nickname we haven’t been able to shake to this day. IYKYK. 

Clare Powderly

Clare Powderly


Clare is my soon-to-be Sister! Clare and I clicked from the start, so much so that multiple people have asked me if I met Pat through my friendship with Clare. When Quarantine hit, the two of us spent 18 hours driving from Baltimore to Naples, Florida where we then lived together for three months. That time together  gave us the opportunity to truly get to know each other and bond. I truly could not have picked a better person to call my Sister-In-Law if I tried! 

Jenna Green

Jenna Green


Na! Jenna is a PSU friend and my ultimate ‘YES’ girl. A true genuine soul with a compassion for people that is second to none. Her spirit is contagious and there hasn’t been a time or a place with Jenna that isn’t a top memory or experience. That being said, when you hear her shrill on the dance floor, don’t say I didn’t warn ya 😉 

Kelsey Lardner

Kelsey Lardner


Kelsey joined The Dune Lane Crew when we were in high school and it has become impossible to remember the years before she came. Kels is a true soul that lights up every room she walks into and goes out of her way to make everyone feel welcome. When Pat and I make our regular visits to NYC, a trip to Brooklyn to see Kelsey, her boyfriend Conor, and their furbaby Lady Rosalita of The Dunes is always one of the first things we do.

Caitlin Gott

Caitlin Gott


Caitlin and I met when she started dating one of my good friends. It didn’t take long for us to start making plans without him, and when we did we realized how much we had in common. Caitlin has this way of *knowing* when a happy hour or girls night is in order, and for that I am so thankful! 

Victoria Scipione

Victoria Scipione


Vic and I go back to the PSU days! Once labeled my “most rational friend,” Vic is the person who will be real and give it to you straight. Not only is she a friend to all, but she would always give the shirt off her back to anyone in need. She also, like Jenna, is always part of the yes crew to celebrate every milestone and make the most out of every moment!

Christina Kellar

Christina Kellar


Tina and I met after college. One of my most vivid memories of Tina was a few weeks after we met. We were out in Fed Hill and last call hit. I lived a few blocks past Tina and the rest of our friends so Tina and her now-husband Ben insisted that everyone pass their homes to walk me home safely. Since then, Tina has always been the one to make the little things mean the most.

Jennifer Novotny

Jennifer Novotny


Jennifer and I also met after college. In the early days of our friendship there was a massive snow storm in Baltimore. She and some others were over playing games when we lost power and had to light candles. It didn’t take long for Jen to light her hair on fire and I knew we would be great friends! Over the years Jen has become my least favorite travel partner, but one of my most favorites to be around.

The Groom’s Side

Andrew Barton

Andrew Barton

Best Man

Liam Powderly

Liam Powderly

Best Man

Peter Devine

Peter Devine


Christopher Pierce

Christopher Pierce


Diego McQuestion

Diego McQuestion


Marrio Davis

Marrio Davis


Sean Wey

Sean Wey


Chris Daddio

Chris Daddio


Derek Maltz

Derek Maltz


Jeff Fountain

Jeff Fountain


Derek Braig

Derek Braig


Bobby Eilers

Bobby Eilers


Ian Powderly

Ian Powderly
